Our firm represents a wide spectrum of U.S. and foreign employers, as well as their professional workers in the U.S. We bring dynamic perspectives and extensive experience to our clients, ensuring the immigration process runs as smoothly and accurately as it legally should for you.
The U.S. is the ‘Land of Immigrants’ with one of the most complex and counter-intuitive immigration systems in the world. Our team will help you to review and consider all available options in the law for your foreign workers and settle on the most advantageous sponsorship strategy possible. Using technology tools, constant communication, and graphical flowcharts, we then walk you and your employees through that sponsorship process, step-by-step to achieve your goals.
Throughout the process, you will have continuous access to a broad spectrum of real-time information about your sponsorship, as well as to our team. We pride ourselves on ‘translating’ the U.S. immigration laws and popular slang/jargon into plain English that you and your employees can understand, in order to stay appraised of exactly what the company is doing, and what the next steps will be.
Get Started with one ClickUsing a combination of our web-based immigration portal, as well as traditional calls/meetings/email, we gather information and documents from the company and your prospective or current employee, in order to determine potential U.S. immigration law options to meet your objectives. An attorney will review submitted questionnaires and documents to discuss legal, procedural/timing, and strategic options with you and/or the employee.
Many immigration sponsorships require specific documents from your employee’s home country. Our team will obtain official translations and credential evaluations of these vital documents for you.
We can advise you on the full range of both temporary and permanent foreign worker sponsorships in the U.S. immigration laws. Although the sponsorship categories in the current law may seem fairly limited at first, we use our extensive experience and creative problem solving acumen, to be sure that you have all available options on the table to achieve your global mobility goals.
Although our primary function is to serve as your U.S. Immigration Business Partners, we also provide full short- and long-term support to your employees’ family members in the U.S. We can also provide ancillary, personal advice to your employees about options in the law for immigrating to the U.S. through the separate family-based sponsorship system.
Similarly, the AMS Global Immigration team can provide personal advice and counsel to your employees regarding U.S. citizenship, both through birth in the U.S. or abroad, as well as through the ‘Naturalization’ process for Lawful Permanent Residents in the U.S.
Leave the navigation of varying, ever-changing requirements of consulates/embassies around the world to us. We will help your employee apply for a visa appointment, ensure they have everything they need to take with them, and answer all questions along the way.
Accurate, timely, and relevant data is invaluable when making global mobility decisions for your company. Your HR team will have dedicated, permissions-level, access to our web-based, immigration portal system anytime, anywhere, from any internet-connected device. You can also expect standard and custom database reporting from us, identifying employees with upcoming status expirations, those for whom you might want to initiate greencard sponsorship, as well as other critical data points to consider.
Reach out to learn more about how partnering with AMS Global Immigration brings ease, organization, and efficiency to your company’s global mobility program. Cut through the legal jargon and confusing slang terminology. Unlike many immigration legal service providers, we excel in plain-English, practical, business-friendly, and actionable advice. We truly are your U.S. immigration business partners!